- Francisco César Sá Barreto - UFMG
- Silvio Salinas - USP
- Mauricio Domingues Coutinho Filho - UFPE
- Constantino Tsallis - CBPF
- Moderator: Márcia Barbosa - UFRGS
- Roberto Fernandes Silva Andrade - UFBA
- Tiago Pereira da Silva - USP
- Viola Priesemann - University of Göttingen
- Wesley Cota - UFV
- Moderator: Marcelo Ferreira da Costa Gomes - Fiocruz
- Alan Alves Brito - UFRGS
- Dinalva Aires de Sales - FURG
- Gabrielle Weber Martins - USP
- Moderator: Katemari Diogo da Rosa - UFBA
Spreading processes are extremely relevant in several contexts, from contagious diseases to the dissemination of information on social networks. The spreading almost universally happens by means of contacts among elements which can be properly represented with the theoretical framework of complex networks. A key aspect of networked structures is their high level of heterogeneity that leads to the dynamical behaviors much more complex than in standard lattice models or homogeneous mixing approaches. In this tutorial, a short introduction of spreading processes on the top of complex networks will be addressed using fundamental models such as SIS and SIR. The main theoretical and numerical approaches and a revision of network theory with the properties important for understanding the spreading processes will be presented. Finally, some advanced topics, such as localization phenomena and applications to COVID19 pandemics, will be presented as illustrations of the power of the theoretical tools presented in the tutorial.